Below are the services leading up to the holiest day of the year:
April 29
Holy Monday
+6:00am Hours
+5:00pm Matins & First Hour
April 30
Holy Tuesday
+6:00am Hours
+5:00pm Matins & First Hour
May 1
Holy Wednesday
+6:00am Hours
+6:00pm Matins & First Hour
May 2
Holy Thursday
+9:00am Third, Sixth, & Ninth Hour, Vesperal Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil
+5:00pm Matins for Holy Friday with the Reading of the 12 Gospels
May 3
Holy Friday
+9:00am Royal Hours
+3:00pm Vespers & Matins
May 4
Holy Saturday
+9:00am Hours & Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil
+11:30pm Paschal Vigil
May 5
+10:00am Paschal Hours
+5:00pm Vespers & Matins
We are grateful for the friendship of Abbot German Ciuba who will be celebrating with us.