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April 2024 Letter From Father Menas

Beloved Friends and Supporters,

As we journey through Holy and Great Lent, we pray for your growth in Christ during this blessed season. This period has been a time for gratitude and renewal for our monastic community.  

We were recently blessed by a pilgrimage from Father Nicholas Hanna and the community of Saint Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church in La Crosse, Wisconsin. This is one of the 30 parishes established by Saint Raphael of Brooklyn.

In the spirit of growth, we are also excited to share that our building project has begun. This advancement is made possible by your generous support, for which we are profoundly thankful. Additionally, we've enriched our icon catalog with new offerings, inviting you to bring additional high-quality and beautiful icons into your homes during this holy season.

Lastly, we would also like to thank the support and friendship of Father Jeremiah Loch who has frequently traveled from the Chicago area to celebrate liturgy with us. We will sorely miss him as he moves with Matushka Anna to a well-earned retirement in a much warmer climate.

Your continued prayers and donations remain the cornerstone of our success. Together, we are making progress every day as we build a flourishing English language monastery in the lineage of Elder Ephraim and Saint Joseph the Hesychast.

May you have a blessed Lent.

With heartfelt gratitude,

+Father Menas

Superior of Saint Paul the Apostle Orthodox Monastery 


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