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Upcoming Theophany Work Weekend: Details

Saint Paul's Monastery welcomes you to our website. Founded in 2022, our small brotherhood is nestled in the bluffs of rural southwestern Wisconsin. In the spirit of Saint Paul, the Apostle to the Nations, we are striving to share the Athonite spiritual tradition using the English language. Our community is guided by the cenobitic rule of monastic life. 

Shop for your home and church.

View our current construction progress! 

- Icon Corner -

By choosing to shop from our icon catalog, you are directly sharing in our way of life. Your purchase supports Orthodox monasticism in America, helping preserve a sacred tradition in the life of our Church. In a U.S. market led by for-profit companies our small business stands apart. It exits to aid our life of prayer, worship, repentance, and hospitality. 


I am Father Menas, and I have the joy of overseeing much of what happens here at the monastery, including the shipping of our items. And so, I personally see all the orders that come in with a donation attached. Every time I do, I give thanks to God for you and your support. You have made it possible for us to lift this once-deserted place and fill it with the praises of our Lord.


Through your generosity—purchasing icons and making donations—we are about 30% of the way through Phase 1 of our renewal plans. This will provide a new, clean, and spacious kitchen and dining area for our guests (hopefully YOU one day!), as well as overnight rooms for women visitors. When this is finished—God willing, before Pascha—we will be able to remove about half of the remaining dilapidated mobile homes, replacing most of them with gardens, flowers, trees, and peaceful spots for you to sit and enjoy the beauty of our little valley.


I want you to know that, with God’s help, I am determined to make every penny go as far as possible, so that God may be glorified. May He continue to bless you!


With much love in Christ,

✢ Father Menas and the Brethren with me

Learn about our monastic life:

Explore our collection of icons:


> Artist's concept of the completed building project. The architecture compliments our location in America's Dairyland (Wisconsin).

 - Donate Today -

Thank you for your kindness and for being a part of this holy work.




There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither male nor female, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all. 

✞ Saint Paul (Galatians 3:28 and Colossians 3:11)

Shop our icons

+ handmade by monks +

+ crafted in wisconsin +


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